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    About Nature Loo™

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    WCTNZ® is proud to distribute Nature Loo™ systems throughout New Zealand

    Nature Loo™ believes in traditional customer service and value for money products. They have been manufacturing eco-friendly on-site wastewater solutions since 1994. They provide the lowest priced, simplest and most reliable sustainable waste treatment systems, with quality-assured performance and service.

    Nature Loo™ composting toilets provide a hygienic method of recycling human waste by ensuring everything is sealed and separated. They avoid the need to waste and pollute precious water. The waste is collected in a small chamber directly beneath the toilet pedestal. A low powered 12 or 24 volt (mains or solar-powered) fan continually circulates air through the chamber, evaporating liquids, speeding the composting process and eliminating odours.

    All Nature Loo systems come with at least two composting chambers. Fill one, put it aside to continue composting, and put the second chamber into use. When it's time to change chambers again, the contents of the first chamber should be well and truly composted. You then remove the compost, put it in your garden or bury it, and re-use the chamber.

    This modular "batch composting" system allows capacity to be virtually unlimited. If usage increases, buy an additional chamber and rotate the chambers more often.

    Nature Loo’s composting toilets are manufactured at the Brisbane factory according to the requirements of New Zealand and Australian Standards. This ensures our products are manufactured to a consistently high standard, as well as being safe and hygienic.

    The patented design is kept simple so that prices and ongoing maintenance costs stay low. Nature Loo products are typically 30% cheaper than competing brands.

    Nature Loo toilets are suitable for any style of home. They are supplied as a split system (under-floor) for homes with a minimum of 450mm clearance under the bathroom floor or self-contained (on-floor) toilets for dwellings without under-floor clearance. Our pedestal designs are elegant as well as functional. We have designs suitable for both modern and traditional bathrooms.

    The Nature Loo solution is free of odours, chemicals, pollution, pumps and high maintenance and electrical costs. It also saves the typical family some 35,000 litres of water per year.

    Nature Loo also offers;

    Low-cost greywater systems that clean and filter wastewater simply and cheaply with the minimum of maintenance. And if you need an inexpensive place to house your toilet we offer our Out-loo shed complete with an integrated floor.
