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    Why Composting Toilets

    At a practical level, composting toilets are hygienic, odourless, low maintenance, cost-effective, look comfortable in the bathroom, and save approx. 60,000L (per household, annually) of fresh drinkable water from needlessly going down the drain.

    By being waterless, composting toilets convert what would otherwise be widely dispersed pollution into a safe, natural humus soil. They just make sense! There is no need to combine two individually recyclable resources together (water and excreta), to then go through the expensive and somewhat ineffective process of separating the two down the track. It seems counter-intuitive!

    Many people have chosen them for the following reasons:

    • They are practical options for sites where water supply is limited/rocky or poor-draining soil is present/proximity to waterways prohibits traditional septic systems

    • They are low-maintenance, cost effective systems for new builds and renovations

    • You are committed to using ecologically sustainable ways of living and are aware of the damage conventional waterborne systems do to our waterways

    • You need a second toilet that will be cheaper than connecting to an existing septic tank, or have a batch/garage/workshop/farm shed/minor dwelling/etc., which have minimal use

    • You are a council member looking to promote a sustainable image at a council level, or a developer looking for facilities that can cope with variable use and minimal maintenance

    Whatever your reason, we can match you with a system that will suit your needs. We operate in both residential and commercial sectors, with products to service any number of users. And, you have our full after-sales support!



    Need help choosing a system? Call WCTNZ® on 0800 022 027 for free advice on system specification and setup. Advanced design consultancy services are also available.

    WCTNZ® | Waterless Composting Toilets NZ Limited | Copyright 2023 ©
